The Beach

A story by Emily P.


The foamy snow white water washes up against my feet. Small tan colored grains get dragged from the water, sticking to my feet.


I run back to my round rainbow, which blocks the sun from the sand. My feet on fire, burning from the golden hot grainy ground. Both my heels kick up the sand as I get closer to my umbrella. Relief rushes to the bottom of my feet as soon as I reach the darkened spot. The cooled off sand like a cold ice cream after a spicy meal.


I reach into my overstuffed bag and pull out my roughed up book. Sitting down, I open up my book, and sift through the stiff flimsy pages. My eyes catch the view of the bright blue ocean washing ashore. My ears filled with the soft sound of gulls off in the distance. The sun beaming down on the sand, no cloud blocking its way. What a great day to be at the beach.

Make Your Own Beach!